Mexican Laws in English
NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, Environmental protection. Sludges and biosolids. Specifications and maximum permissible limits for contaminants for their best utilization and final disposition.

NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, Environmental protection. Sludges and biosolids. Specifications and maximum permissible limits for contaminants for their best utilization and final disposition. NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, Environmental protection. Sludges and biosolids. Specifications and maximum permissible limits for contaminants for their best utilization and final disposition.



NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, Proteccíón ambiental.- Lodos y biosólidos.-Especificaciones y límites maximos permisibles de contaminantes para su aprovechamiento y disposiciíon final. NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, Environmental protection. Sludges and biosolids. Specifications and maximum permissible limits for contaminants for their best utilization and final disposition.



0. Introducci?

0. Introduction

1. Objetivo y campo de aplicaci?

1. Objective and field of application

2. Referencias

2. References

3. Definiciones

3. Definitions

4. Especificaciones

4. Specifications

5. Muestreo y m?odos de prueba

5. Sampling and testing methods

6. Evaluaci? de la conformidad

6. Evaluation of conformity

7. Grado de concordancia con normas y lineamientos internacionales

7. Degree of concordance with international standards and guidelines

8. Bibliograf?

8. Bibliography

9. Observancia de esta Norma

9. Observance of this Standard



I Opciones para la reducci? de atracci? de vectores

I. Options for the reduction of attraction of vectors

II M?odo de muestreo de lodos y bios?idos

II. Method for sampling of sludges and biosolids

III M?odo para la cuantificaci? de coliformes fecales en lodos y bios?idos

III. Method for the quantification of fecal coliforms in sludges and biosolids

IV M?odo para la cuantificaci? de Salmonella spp., en lodos y bios?idos

IV. Method for the quantification of Salmonella spp., in sludges and biosolids.

V M?odo para la cuantificaci? de huevos de helmintos en lodos y bios?idos

V. Method for the quantification of helminthes eggs in sludges and biosolids.

VI M?odo para la cuantificaci? de metales pesados en bios?idos

VI. Method for the quantification of heavy metals in biosolids.

VII Contenido de la bit?ora de control de lodos y bios?idos


VII. Contents of the control log of sludges and biosolids.

0. Introducci?

0. Introduction


En las actividades de desazolve de los sistemas de alcantarillado urbano o municipal, as?como en las correspondientes a la operaci? de las plantas potabilizadoras y de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales se generan vol?enes de lodos, que en caso de no darles una disposici? final adecuada, contribuyen de manera importante a la contaminaci? de la atm?fera, de las aguas nacionales y de los suelos, afectando los ecosistemas del ?ea donde se depositen.

In the activities of mercury removal from the urban or municipal sewer systems, as well as in those corresponding to the operation of the water purification plants and the plants for treatment of wastewaters volumes of sludge is generated, that in case of not giving the an adequate final disposition, contribute in an important way to the contamination of the atmosphere, of the national waters and of the ground, affecting the ecosystems of the area where they are deposited.





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